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Define the book review entity

Now that we've created the book entity, the next step is introducing the book_review entity. This entity will enable us to record book reviews. The model is as follows:

Add the book review entity

To define the book_review entity, open the file src/main/entities.rell and add the following code:

entity book_review {
index book: book;
reviewer_name: text;
review: text;
rating: integer;

Breakdown of the code

  • entity keyword: Defines a new entity, similar to creating a table in a SQL database.
  • index book: book;: The index keyword is used to optimize queries involving the book relation. This attribute refers to a book, creating a link between a book and its reviews.
  • reviewer_name: text;: Allows users to enter their name or alias as a reviewer.
  • review: text;: Stores the textual content of the review.
  • rating: integer;: Captures the numerical rating given to the book review.

You can begin recording book reviews with these attributes in your Chromia-based app. For a deeper understanding of managing relationships between entities, check out our Understand relationships in Rell course, which covers building and optimizing table relationships.