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Write a query to retrieve all reviews of a book

Now that we have a mechanism to add reviews connected to books, we need a way to retrieve them. We'll define a query for that.

Define the query

Open the file src/main/queries.rell and add the following Rell code:

query get_all_reviews_for_book(isbn: text) {
val reviews = book_review @* { .book.isbn == isbn } (
return reviews;

Breakdown of the query

  1. Input Parameter: The query takes an isbn parameter to specify which book's reviews you want to retrieve.
  2. Join Operation: val reviews = book_review @* { .book.isbn == isbn }; retrieves all book_review entities where the book.isbn matches the given isbn.
  3. Attributes: We specify which attributes to include in the result by adding:

This query retrieves all reviews for a specified book, including the reviewer's name, the review text, and the rating.

Test it on a local Chromia node

Testing on a local Chromia node is done using the Chromia CLI. Here are the steps:

  1. Update or start the local Chromia node:

    • If the node is already running, use the following command to update it:

      chr node update
    • If the node is not already running, start it with:

      chr node start

      After running chr node update, the query might take a moment to become available. You may need to wait for the following block to be processed before executing the query. If you get a "400 Bad Request" error, please wait a few moments and try again.

  2. Execute the query: In a new terminal window or tab, run the following command to fetch all reviews for a book:

    chr query get_all_reviews_for_book "isbn=ISBN1234"

    The expected result should be:

    "rating": 5,
    "review": "It was a great book",
    "reviewer_name": "Alice"


In this lesson, we:

  1. Defined a book_review entity in Chromia's Rell.
  2. Implemented a query to retrieve all reviews for a specific book.

In upcoming lessons, we'll explore Rell's powerful capabilities further, including handling validation, structuring results from queries and executing transactions with signatures.