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Summary and manual testing

To summarize what we've learned so far:

  1. We've created a decentralized app using Rell and Chromia.
  2. We've covered writing unit tests and starting a test node.
  3. We've connected a React app to our dapp using the FT client wrapper.

Now, let's perform manual testing by adding a few dummy accounts and posts and observing them through our frontend.

Add dummy accounts and posts

We'll start by adding three users using the Chromia CLI:

chr node start # Unless you've already done this
chr keygen --file .alice
chr keygen --file .bob
chr keygen --file .trudy

Make a note of the public keys, as we'll use them to add the users directly using our test operation:

chr tx create_user Alice <alice-pubkey>
chr tx create_user Bob <bob-pubkey>
chr tx create_user Trudy <trudy-pubkey>

Now, let's create some posts from these users:

chr tx --ft-auth make_post "This is Alice talking" --await --secret .alice
chr tx --ft-auth make_post "Bob is just doing his thing" --await --secret .bob
chr tx --ft-auth make_post "Trudy is always mischievous" --await --secret .trudy

Start the frontend app

To view the changes in our frontend app, start it with the following command:

npm run dev

Now, you should be able to interact with the dapp. You can add or remove followers, create posts, and see how the content changes on the feed page.

Congratulations! You've successfully built your first dapp on Chromia and tested its capability.